About me

Currently putting in the work to get into Frontend Development. Sharpening the skills necessary in order to create great web experiences.

Some projects I've been working on:

Sometimes is hard to find a good project idea, so we try our best to get a useful one.

Javascript Issue Tracker

This application allows the user to keep track of issues that have appeared during work and then show them listed on screen. It allows to create, close and delete issues one at the time.

Technologies used: HTML, CSS

Frontend Mentor Challenges

This is my favorite resource to improve my skills. Frontend Mentor challenges are really helpful to learn the best development practices.

Equalizer Landing Page

This is the first challenge I completed. It took me a long time at first because I did not have a clear plan before starting, but it allowed me to learn the fact that writing the code is the last step to in building a website.

Technologies used: HTML, CSS

Technologies I've been working with:

After wasting so much time (unfortunately) going back and forth between technologies, I learned the hard way it would be the best to start from the basic frontend stack.

Contact me

Any feedback, question or idea from you will be really appreciated!

I would be nice hearing from you! The best way to get in touch with me is via email.